Saturday, July 08, 2006

See the cat? See the cradle?

Finished Cat's Cradle yesterday. Weird book. Good, but weird. Would definitely read more Vonnegut. Unexpected kind of just, ended. I nteresting theme running throughout though. Looking at how meaning is attached to things that really in essence are meaningless, or do not at all appear like what we want them to be. Almost as if we are forcing others to see and believe in the lies that we ourselves have chosen to support. "See the cat? See the cradle?" There's probably much more to be taken out of it, especially the ending, for those in a mind to do literary analysis. I, whoever, am not of such a mind. While it is enjoyable and intrigue to look for the point the author was getting at, reading good literature without analysis and symbolism forced upon me is also quite enjoyable. Maybe I'll look up what someone smarter than me thought Vonnegut was getting at.

Next will be taking on A Farewell to Arms. Decided I should give Hemmingway another shot. Read The Old Man and the Sea in high school, and hated it. Wanted the old man, and his sea, to die in the fiery depths of hell. Or at least just vanish so my time could be devoted to more interesting things. But, Hemmingway is another one of those "must read" authors, and very many of his other works are famous, and therefore I feel I should give him a fair go. Here's hoping he does better with war stories than boats.

Speaking of boats, saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie tonight. An all together different storytelling form than Vonnegut, but equally as enjoyable. Johnny Depp has a very girly, prancing run in the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, pay attention to the running, it's pretty entertaining. Don't want to give anything away for those who haven't seen it yet, so I'll just say it's quite fun. Good storytelling, it sucks you in. A lot more computer graphics than in the first one, which either enhances or detracts, depending on your perspective....kind of felt like it took away from the realism (well, as much realism as you can get in a movie about pirates). The ending...well, all I can safely say is there is an ending. Go see it, but if you haven't seen the first one in awhile, watch it first to "review" - you'll get more of the jokes that way. But as stories go, it's one worth spending your time on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.