Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Lots of thoughts rattling around right now, but I just feel like writing, so here is the second draft of a piece I started in class today (I love writing with my kids!):

I awoke from a deep sleep, unsure of what time it was or even what day it was. A loud rumble of thunder brought me to my senses. The bedroom shook around me. Picture frames rattled on the walls. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to look at my alarm clock. 3:22 a.m. - just a few more hours until I had to get up and start my day. I should really be asleep. But the storm was drawing me in.

Outside, the rain pelted down on the pavement, the trees, the porch. A bright flash of lighning exploded through the room. I froze, eagerly anticipating the thunder that was to follow. Mere seconds later my excitement was gratifed with thunder so strong I thought it must be on top of me. Sleep; I should be asleep. No way of sleeping now. How could I sleep through something so cool? Briefly I contemplate getting up to watch the storm from my window, but I know from previous attempts that the bedroom window isn' the best for storm watching. Just listening will have to suffice, unless of course the storm gets more intense. I get cozy in bed, as the storm rumbles around me. Closing my eyes, the steady, soothing lull of pouring rain sings me to sleep.

Clearly unfinished. Feedback is appreciated!

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